Wednesday, January 04, 2006

BOB ina BOX tm
Southwest Marketing Division

It has come to our attention that a number of our Bob ina Box units have become a problem. When the product was first brought to market we anticipated possible problems connected with end users not opening the crate in a timely manner. The graphics department created printed as well as digital media throughly explaining the need to release the Bob as soon as possible. Without going into horrific and gruesome details, some scenarios were initially outlined. What we feared has occurred. Buyers have not always released the Bob in a timely manner and have suffered the consequences. Contact your sales personnel, store managers, and delivery companies and explain in detail what their obligation entails. You might have heard the rumors circulating about the "forgotten" Bob ina Box in a storeroom at the Amboy, California, Bob R Us. We do not want a repeat of that carnage. Also, be sure to provide a "Bob waiver" to anyone who comes in contact with a Bob ina Box crate as well. Bruce Hamilton

Day two of "truancy"
... I submit two related pieces of information that is worth pursuing...

First, from Mary Katherine Ham @ Hugh Hewitt... "They Tell Me It's a Nice Idea"... or, conversations with socialists... here...

Then, read The Heritage Foundation's 2006 Index of Economic Freedom, which... "measures 161 countries against a list of 50 independent variables divided into 10 broad factors of economic freedom." You can download a PDF or order the report in book form.

Over the years teaching
at a California high school I have met some very interesting foreign exchange students. It is interesting to discuss cultural issues and differences which harks back to my other degree area which was Applied Anthropology... Two years ago I enjoyed such an exchange with a talented artist from Sweden. I had mentioned that I had heard that in Sweden there is a saying, "Just enough" that covers pretty much their everyday activities. I had taken it as a societal guide in determining personal effort or direction. She told me that it determines much more and causes angst among the less indoctrinated younger set.

She said that because of the pervasive socialist/collective mentality the term "just enough" is really a controller. She said that if someone was to announce an interest in becoming a famed musician or visual artist that the first reaction in any social circumstance would be to question, "Why?" The implication is that the person is trying to elevate themselves above their family, friends, or community. The controller would make everyone trully the same. Reassuring to the cronically jealous recalcitrants but stilting to the visionaries. Bruce Hamilton

Mark Steyn's far reaching look at not just 2006 but forward through the entire century... here...