Thursday, December 30, 2010

California’s Central Valley: Zimbabwe West?
Until recently, California’s Central Valley was one of the nation’s most productive agricultural regions.  Not only did it feed itself, the state of California, and the entire country, it also produced exports to other nations.  That kind of enterprise employed a lot of people in Central California, from farm hands to wholesalers, and created a high standard of living.
That continued right up to the moment that the federal government got more concerned over the Delta smelt, a small, inedible fish, than feeding people.  A court order cut off water deliveries for seven months out of the year to the Central Valley at the same time a drought hit, and the combination turned a once-fertile breadbasket to the world into a Dust Bowl — or as Investors Business Daily suggests, a government-initiated agricultural disaster on the same order as Zimbabwe today or Ukraine in the 1930s.   Monica Showalter reports that the region that once fed the world now faces widespread hunger as a result:
Local newspapers and Fresno County officials are trying to rally Facebook users to vote for Fresno in a corporate contest sponsored by Wal-Mart for $1 million in charity food donations for the hungry. Fresno, a city of 505,000, has taken the national lead because 24.1% of Fresno’s families are going hungry.
Civic spirit is good, but something big is wrong here. Fresno is the agricultural capital of America. More food per acre in more variety can be grown in the fertile Central Valley surrounding this community than on any other land in America — perhaps in the world.
Yet far from being a paradise, Fresno is starting to resemble Zimbabwe or 1930s Ukraine, a victim of a famine machine that is entirely man-made, not by red communists this time, but by greens.
State and federal officials, driven by the agenda of environmental extremists, have made it extremely difficult for the valley’s farms, introducing costly environmental regulations and cutting off critical water supplies to save the Delta smelt, a bait fish. It’s all driving the economy to collapse.
In the southwest part of the Central Valley, water allotments as low as 10% of normal have created a visible dust bowl. The knock-on effect can be seen in cities like Fresno, where November’s unemployment among the packers, cannery workers and professional fields that make agriculture productive stands at 16.9%.
It isn’t just Fresno, although it appears to have taken the worst of the crisis.  Besides Fresno, four other Central Valley cities got listed in the bottom ten of MarketWatch’s 2010 survey on the worst places to do business in the US.  Fresno came in dead last at 102 on the list.
The collapse has another element to it for Californians as well.  The state has a huge budget shortfall, currently estimated around $26 billion, and cannot afford to expand safety-net programs to help the Central Valley.  One reason the budget hole is so large is because of the lack of revenue from normally-robust agricultural production in that region.  Instead of being a net revenue producer, the Central Valley threatens to become a sinkhole of welfare spending that will hasten the bankruptcy of the nation’s largest state, and an economy that would normally rank among the top 10 in the world if considered as a nation unto itself.
This is entirely the result of federal government intervention in agriculture, which might be understandable if it was intended to help agriculture.  Instead, it comes as a hostile act to both the people of the region and Americans as a whole.  Thanks to the collapse of the Central Valley, food prices will increase as we have to import more from countries with much less strict environmental controls, which is merely an inconvenience.  The starvation that has begun is more than an inconvenience — it is a national embarrassment, and a moral outrage.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Thursday, December 09, 2010

Understanding Assange
Mike Walker, Colonel USMC, retired

Julian Assange is typically presented as either brilliant devil or hero.  The closer truth is that he is a very clever and spoiled adolescent who never grew up.  He is much more a mentally unstable lost soul than an evil ogre or shining messiah.

Unfortunately, cleverness has allowed his childish conspiracy visions to overcome the rational behavior required of a responsible member of any society.  Julian the child throws tantrums and acts out.  He is the eternal enfant terrible hidden behind a well-tailored suit, a disarmingly juvenile smile, and an adult vocabulary. 

Julian is the boy-man for whom the rules do not apply.  Everyone who gets in his way is the enemy.  In fact, everyone who gets in his way is not only the enemy, they are, without exception, connected to the giant cabal aimed directly at Julian Assange.  So is it any wonder he is now likely to go to jail for sexually driven crimes in sexually liberal Sweden?  No rules apply to Julian other than Julian’s, evidently to include his physicals needs.  He is in constant rebellion against a paranoid perception of unfairness caused by societal authority in any form.

Therefore Julian is doomed and a passing phenomenon.  He has and will continue to get his Andy Warhol moments of fame, but in the great scheme of things, his successes are unsustainable in the face of his self-destructive egoism.  For Julian Assange, the world does revolve around him.  Julian is endlessly needy making it hard to believe he is Australian.  He should be more the object of pity than anger and we should all feel a bit indebted to him.

We should be grateful that the tool that laid bare a great weakness in our 21st century information systems was such a deeply flawed individual.  Think of the future damage that could have been wrought by a truly sinister force if Julian Assange had not forced the adults to divert their attention and clean up a mess that this child as much found as created.

Semper Fi,

Blue State Corruption
Red state/Blue state maps after November 2

Even the NY Times sees that "Blue States" are  on the edge of a cliff, that many will see horrendous economic hardship in the very near future, states like California, Illinois, and New York. Debt derived from "compassionate" spending is a very real threat and there is a time to pay the piper.

Everyone knows individuals who do not handle their resources wisely. They will spend like there is no tomorrow and help forestall the inevitable by refinancing repeatedly. At some point there is no more wiggle room and bankruptcy/foreclosure comes home to roost. That is where the "Blue states" are. They have bought into the idea that you can spend your way out of reversals and that huge bond obligations can be put off indefinitely. With lower than expected income and huge growing debt they'll have no other way out than to declare insolvency... yikes! Didn't all those spend liberals geniuses in Sacramento see this coming? The hardest hit are the bluest of states, states with a majority of brilliant liberal financial planners assembled as their form of government.

Most "Blue state" elected officials view the events that surrounded the Wall Street collapses and bail outs as criminal activity by unscrupulous bond traders, CEOs and investors. Their question, "How could financial professionals not see the obvious unless they are inherently criminal?" My question, "How could state financial professionals not see the obvious unless they are inherently corrupt?'


Thursday, December 02, 2010

Julian Assange... Ah, to be the toast of the town! What an honor. "Hey, Julian, I loved the way that you poked a stick in Uncle Sam's eye!" 

You notice that he has no interest in leaking info about Russia's adventures in Georgia or China's in Taiwan. He would immediately be executed in some covert way... The US is a safe place to make your mark...

A word from Mike Walker, retired USMC Colonel in intelligence...

Secretary of State Clinton Should Resign?  What a laugh!

It isn’t every morning that I get to wake up, turn on the news and end up with a good chuckle and a smile on my face.  But I have to thank Julian “Mr. Wikileaks” Assange for that early Holiday gift.

Now I do not know if dear Julian is just plain stupid, a world-class hypocrite, thinks the rest of us are simpletons, or some combination of the three but one thing is for sure, he is a public fool.

Newsflash to Julian: 

There are more international spies per square foot in United Nations Headquarters in New York City than anyplace in world.  That piece of real estate will beat out the CIA Headquarters in Langley , MSS HQ in Peking , or SVR HQ in Moscow for sheer concentration of spies.  Heck, some of the national delegations at the UN not only have their entire delegation engaged in intelligence collection but have the full staff of their state-run TV, radio, and print organizations busy at espionage work as well.

So Julian, you can bash the United States and Secretary of State Clinton to your heart’s content but this former intelligence officer ain’t buying your “Hate America ” line of bunk.

But good luck in Sweden , Mate!