Tuesday, March 01, 2022

Putin has Lost the War against Ukraine Pt 1-2



Putin has Lost the War against Ukraine, part 1

It is now obvious that Putin has lost the war against Ukraine.

He can keep killing innocent Ukrainians and can destroy cities but he has lost any chance of ruling Ukraine.

Even if he wins the conventional battle, his ruthless and savage tactics have ensured that he has already lost the fight to govern Ukraine.

Putin now has created 40 million enemies who will not surrender. That guarantees an undefeatable resistance movement.

Ukraine will always be poised for a nationwide uprising that will eliminate whatever fascist regime Putin tries to impose on the Ukrainian people.

Putin further has made Russia a pariah nation.

And he has badly damaged if not crippled the Russian economy.

That has divided the Russian people who will have no stomach for fighting a long, bloody, and intractable insurgency in Ukraine.

Russia simply has no way of winning.

There has no path to victory.

The sooner the Russians realize that, the better it is for Russia.

Putin has Lost the War against Ukraine, part 2

Let me expand on why Putin has lost the war. The maps on TV are much better but still are wildly misleading. Why?

Because the 150,000 Russian invaders do not control even 1% of Ukraine.

The Russians have tenuous control over some roads and adjacent villages and they control the ground they stand on.

That is it.

Even in the much-touted advance from Crimea, once the Russian Army leaves, so does their control. Everything goes back to Ukraine.

That is the hopeless dilemma you create when you make 40 million people your enemy.

That is why I repeat:

Russia simply has no way of winning.

There is no path to victory.

The sooner the Russians realize that, the better it is for Russia.

Col Mike Walker, USMC (ret)