Saturday, September 21, 2024

Blanket Of Darkness Is Falling


A Blanket Of Darkness Is Falling Over The West

Armando Simón, Issues and Insights 

From Sweden and Germany, to Australia and New Zealand, to France and Finland, to America and Canada, to Armenia and Italy, to Britain and Ireland, a network of censorship has been developing and steadily solidifying. Censorship has even been imposed on scientists. Ironically, this blanket of darkness has occurred in those countries with the longest tradition of freedom, specifically of freedom of speech, assembly and of writing. Soon, the peoples of those countries will have to resort to samizdat.

When Musk took over Twitter and exposed the systematic censorship apparatus within the organization, he also revealed that part of the censorship was being carried out at the request of the Biden regime (Facebook likewise agreed to impose censorship). By doing so, he opened the window to what was, in fact, a governmental conspiracy to establish censorship, thereby ironically putting an end to the automatic dismissal of “conspiracy theories” for those persons who could not, or would not, connect the dots.

He also fired the vermin who were carrying out the censorship.

Leftists in the Biden regime were not happy. The White House is “keeping an eye” on Musk and X, and pseudo-President Biden has spoken out against Musk. In retaliation, the FTC was ordered to harass Musk. One would expect that the American media would support Musk, but the reverse is the case. Except for one.

By exposing to the light of day the existence this conspiratorial censorship and allowing X to become a truly free speech zone, he infuriated the totalitarian elites. He further infuriated the overseas elites that relied on censorship over their own countries in order to suppress views and facts anathema to their ideology. Recently, the EU bureaucrats demanded Elon Musk not to broadcast a simple conversation between him and Donald Trump. This was followed by the Brazilian regime going after X for revealing a conspiracy to institute censorship by the Supreme Court in that country and its demand to impose censorship of views and facts.

On top of that, Musk condemned the imposition of censorship in Canada.

And he continues to give the middle finger to the elites.

And leftists continue to argue that Musk be arrested for promoting free speech.

But this is not about Elon Musk. He is simply the most visible example of a sickening pattern of suppression occurring around the world. Musk is noteworthy because he is one of the few well-known individuals who consistently spits in the eye of the totalitarians and has the means to resist them.

But most inoffensive persons are not famous, nor do they have the substantial resources to prevent being crushed under the heel of these totalitarians, though many are brave and defiant while others grovel and apologize for having offended. And though I would dearly like to detail the victims’ plight (partly because their ordeal has been censored), I will instead shine the light on the politicians who demand censorship, using either euphemisms or obfuscating language.

I must momentarily digress. Coming from a scientific background, I retain an incurable habit of collecting data, and I am herewith presenting facts, aka, data. Now, data by its very nature is tedious, but absolutely vital in any endeavor. Why do so here? Because writing or speaking in sympathetic outlets, leftists have shamelessly denied that conspiracies exist, that further proclaimed electoral fraud is misinformation,that there is no racial discrimination against whites or Asians through affirmative action, illegal aliens don’t vote in elections, there is no media bias, that schools are not engaged in indoctrination or perversions, that Donald Trump was not shot but was staged, etc. My writing an equally grandiose essay disputing their denial can only lead to back and forth. But facts are facts. Data is data. And here is the data. It is a long, admittedly tedious, list of politicians urging the dictatorial suppression of free speech in one way or another.

American Politicians Advocating Censorship

It is an undeniable fact that all politicians brazenly demanding censorship, or imposing it, have been liberals (aka, Democrats, leftists, etc.). None has been conservative or libertarian. The data speaks for itself. In America, the Democratic Party is the party of censorship (among other things). And it is important to note that the Democratic Party of today is radically different from what it once was; it now champions totalitarianism, and the change has resulted in several traditional Democrats leaving the party.

It is also a fact that condemnation of these demands, or acts, of censorship has not taken place in the mainstream media, which I refer to as the hivemind.

In 1974, Joe Biden boasted that politicians could do away with the First Amendment if they wanted to do so.

Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren demanded that internet social media platforms impose censorship on criticism of presidential candidate Kamala Harris. She also demanded Amazon suppress the book “The Truth About COVID-19” by Drs. Mercola and Cummins.

Rep. Frederica Wilson expressed her desire to censor and prosecute anyone who makes fun of Congress.

Rep.  John Yarmuth called for banning teens from wearing MAGA caps.

Adam Schiff with other Democrats introduced a proposed constitutional amendment to overturn the “Citizens United” decision, which was a historical free-speech victory. On a different occasion in a hearing in the Capitol, testimony was heard about the Biden administration’s extensive censorship via surrogates. Schiff and other Democrats claimed there was no censorship, then tried to remove from the record testimony given, i.e., censorship. A report was finalized and published on the weaponization of the government against its citizens. The mainstream media ignored it.

And not content with that, Schiff wants Google to suppress “misogynistic” content.

David Chipman was Biden’s pick to head the ATF. In 2019, he stated, “The frustration is in the United States the freedom of speech and to say things is [sic] largely cannot be regulated.” Republicans blocked his nomination.

The Biden administration told Facebook to suppress conservatives on its website, and Facebook complied. It also told the agency to suppress COVID memes, especially funny ones, and Tucker Carlson. Jokes were suppressed (historically speaking, in all totalitarian regimes comedy/humor is taboo). COCID “misinformation” was likewise suppressed — though in the end, the “misinformation” was correct. Prior to the above, the Biden campaign asked Facebook to take down ads from the Trump re-election campaign of 2020. Later in 2024, Zuckerberg expressed regret in participating in suppressing information.

Closely related to the topic at hand, Rep. Sean Maloney stated that religious liberty is a “bogus term” that serves as a “pretext for discrimination.”

Apparently taking a page from the UK censorship, Michigan Democrats passed a law that punishes anyone using “hate speech.”

Minnesota’s and Tim Walz’s prosecutor, Keith Ellison, applauded Brazil’s censorship of X. He also demanded that Amazon stop selling books from politically incorrect organizations and individuals.

NPR’s CEO Katherine Maher complained the First Amendment makes it “tricky” to censor “disinformation” and “the influence peddlers” who spread it.

A Democrat in the White House came up with the idea of a Disinformation Ministry within the Department of Homeland Security, which was so obvious in-your-face-1984 it was immediately canceled.

Hillary Clinton wants everyone who voted for Trump to be put in re-education camps where they will be trained to censor their minds. The CNN reporter interviewing her nodded in approval. In another interview, she condemned Facebook for not censoring more effectively. She appeared on MSNBC right after the second attempted assassination of Trump to spread the vile hate that led indirectly to the attempt. She also insisted that Americans who voice different views and facts from hers (aka, disinformation) should be put in jail.

Huffington Post fired David Seaman for writing two articles questioning Hillary Clinton’s health. The articles were deleted.

Congressional Democrats, particularly California Reps. Anna Eshoo and Jerry McNerney, attempted to eliminate the weakest of the few conservative news outlets, One America News, for covering forbidden topics. But they did not stop there, they also went after Fox News. They wrote letters demanding advertisers stop funding these outlets with ads, thereby economically strangulating them out of existence.

-Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., has expressed a desire to “regulate” (the euphemism liberals use for “censor”) all speech.

Back to Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg admitted the FBI pressured him to suppress any news of the pervert/traitor/drug addict Hunter Biden and his infamous laptop.

Kamala Harris stated that Elon Musk should lose the privilege of free speech for allowing free speech.

Al Gore complained that the fact people can choose of their own free will to get views and information from sources other than the approved ones is a threat to democracy.

A Louisiana court case has shown that there is a consistent pattern of attempts by the Democratic administration to suppress viewpoints and facts.

AOC took a break from condemning cows for farting long enough to imply in an interview that conservative speech should be banned because anything conservatives say is incitement to violence (which violence, mind you, has not occurred, unlike with Antifa, BLM, Act Up, etc.).

Democratic mayors got together to compose an anti-free speech manifesto covered with syrupy sweet verbiage to disguise its intent. It specifically highlighted San Antonio Chick-fil-A hater Ron Nirenberg who passed laws against referring to COVID-19 as the Wuhan virus, ordering the local police to harass anyone who said those words. Anyway, Democrat states are passing laws attempting to hamstring internet communication.

Democratic Rep. Joaquin Castro — not Fidel Castro — introduced legislation in Congress forbidding anyone to refer to illegal aliens as “illegal aliens.” Which is what the Democrat city of New York did.

Democratic Rep. Eric Swalwell, suggested banning Fox News from troops overseas. In other words, the troops should be subjected to censorship. Swalwell, meantime, was having a fling with a Chinese spy named, appropriately enough, Fang Fang.

When Tucker Carlson obtained video footage of the January 6 intrusion of Congress and aired said footage (which contradicted part of the narrative) Sen. Schumer and others demanded Fox News to suppress it and/or fire Carlson. Carlson and Fox soon thereafter parted ways.

CNN host Jake Tapper asked why doesn’t Facebook hire enough people to weed out the “Nazis” ahead of the 2024 election (in this context, “Nazis” refers to people trying to stop the onrushing totalitarian train and those who believe in freedom).

Democratic Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee introduced a bill that makes it a federal offense for white people to criticize blacks.

“Rachel” Levine, a man pretending to be a woman, wants to eliminate any information that discourages children from sexual mutilation, preferring to instead promote it.

Sen. Hirono wanted censorship of conservative outlets while claiming that there is no censorship of conservatives.

Failed Democratic U.S. House candidate Pam Keith called the First Amendment, which protects freedom of assembly, worship, speech and press as a “cancer” in America.

Vermont has seen several instances of suppressing messages, usually revolving around the sacred BLM and LGTBLMAO mob.

House Democrats have expressed a desire to have “oversight” over Fox News editorials.

Clinton’s former Labor Secretary, Robert Reich, has written a book attacking free speech wrote an article for “The Guardian” damning Elon Musk for allowing free speech on X, and simultaneously called for Musk’s arrest.

Vice presidential candidate Tim Walz, well-known for putting tampons in schoolboys’ bathrooms, recently stated on this very issue, “There’s no guarantee to free speech on misinformation or hate speech, especially in our democracy.”

Perpetual failure Beto O’Rourke referred to Breitbart News, Fox News, and Sinclair News as terrorist organizations for broadcasting or publishing news and views he did not approve of. At one time, there was a lot of hype over the man during his many runs for office, but as one sign pointed out, he was “A fake Mexican, but a real pendejo.” No matter. As consolation, he was immediately given a teaching job at Texas State University.

There are many, many more instances of liberals in America demanding censorship in one way or another while giving ample justifications for their desired oppression, whether the subject of contention is electoral fraud, the COVID farce, sexual mutilation, or illegal immigration. The most frequent acts of censorship are, ironically, in universities. I have collected hundreds and hundreds of such instances to perhaps be listed another time. Intellectuals have given convoluted arguments as to why voting is a danger to democracy.

As can be seen, the totalitarian virus has spread unchecked. It has spread to such a degree that some Americans are demanding the Constitution should be trashed, the Supreme Court has got to be purged, and, that elections are a threat to democracy. And, yes, they are Democrats.

Twenty years ago, if anyone had voiced a desire for dictatorial powers as the above, the repercussions would have been debilitating for the would-be commissar, but we have now been desensitized to such obscenities.

Fortunately, the Constitution was engineered to protect the public from people like the Democrats.

Armando Simón is a trilingual native of Cuba with degrees in history and psychology. He is the author of “When Evolution Stops,” “The U,” and “Goodbye America. It Was Great While it Lasted.”