Monday, May 06, 2024

Gaza, the Holocaust, and the Math


Gaza, the Holocaust, and the Math

Mike Walker, Col USMC ret

All across campuses today we hear the word "holocaust" used to define the Hamas War.

It is hard to imagine a more unethical and immoral utterance.

During the height of the Holocaust (May 1942-November 1943) when the concentration camps in Germany along with the death camps at Auschwitz-Birkenau were augmented by Sobibor, Treblinka, and Belzec, the SS Totenkopf were slaughtering about 230,000 Jews per month.

The Hamas War will reach its 7-month point in a few days.

If the Israelis were indeed carrying out a holocaust akin to what the Nationalist Socialists did to the Jewish people then the toll in Gaza now would sit at about one million six hundred thousand (1,600,000) deaths.

So even if we are so naive and/or blinded by prejudice to accept unquestioningly the 33,000 deaths in Gaza foisted by Hamas then no honest person would equate the Hamas War with the Holocaust.

To conflate the vast discrepancy over the brutality and monstrosity that occurred during the two events beggars belief.

Yet the word "holocaust" to describe the Hamas War is on the lips and in the minds of thousands if not tens of thousands of our post-secondary students.

Such is the tragic ignorance besetting 21st century American colleges and universities.

Future generations will look back the current record of these dismal institutions of higher learning with a combination of shame and contempt.