Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Coming soon to a Campus Near You: Nazi Germany Redux!

Coming soon to a campus near you: Nazi German Redux!

Mike Walker, Col USMC (ret)

If you think this is hyperbole then think again.

What is happening on university campuses in America today -- save the attire and some of the rhetoric -- is identic to what happened with the nationalist socialists in Germany during the early 1930s.

For as in Nazi Germany, the goal is to intimidate and, if necessary, terrorize Jews so as to purge them from the campus.

And as in Nazi Germany, all the university leadership has to do is nothing. They do not need to either participate or support this sickness. They can even bemoan the hatred in public.

They just need to let the militant "storm troopers" run their course and the Jewish problem on campus will be solved.

Same outcome, different format.

And another "smashing" victory for the advocates of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion!