Monday, October 09, 2023

Thoughts About Our World Before it all Hits The Fan

Thoughts About Our World Before it All Hits The Fan

Joseph Sullivan, Harbinger Sentinel, GAB

 I wrote and posted this on GAB today… preface to my essay.

As the days pass, I feel my toes “crowding the line”…  As I discuss in the essay, I no longer believe that we can solve the problems of our country through “free and fair elections” (now a myth from a by-gone age as far as I’m concerned)…

When I pray these days - I pray that I am wrong about my pessimism…. Now I’m focussed on the future of the next generation.  I simply can’t remain silent as “things” get worse and worse…. If speaking out is dangerous - then so be it…

I also pray that God will awaken the sleeping American people and cause courageous leaders to step-up and take charge of this country which is now in a free-fall toward Armageddon.

Deo Vindici…. May God Bless and Save America From The Traitors Among Us…

My essay: Our World Before it All Hits The Fan

Now is an EXCELLENT TIME to put those hard lessons we’ve learned over the past 20 years to good use…

But first we need to take-stock and define them:

The NEWS MEDIA (“Mainstream” and “Legacy”) is the servant of the “Deep State” government. It no longer fulfills it’s traditional mission to hold our government and our officials accountable to the American people. The manipulation of the American people by the media during the “COVID FRAUD” was crystal-clear and (in my view) it was defining and unforgivable.

Our TWO PARTY SYSTEM of American politics has essentially merged (“UNIPARTY”) into a charade which conducts it’s public business with pointless hearings while it’s leaders make back-room deals that benefit multi-national interests paid for by constantly rising taxes levied upon American taxpayers. The World Economic Forum (WEF) and the Israeli lobby control the American government thru their control of our Congress and Senate. Our elected leaders enrich themselves through life-long positions as elected politicians.

Our federal government is in-fact the “Deep State” - where it’s workers are all “unionized drones” led by life-time, career non-elected bureaucrats…. ALL of these “employees” are committed to job and self-preservation, growth of government and lack of transparency. They know that elected politicians come and go but that they can outlast anyone who comes to Washington through elections. Strong, principled politicians do rise up but never get support from their peers - and are treated as “crack-pots” by the media.

Our national borders are WIDE OPEN…. BIDEN has violated his Oath of Office by removing physical and legal obstructions that SHOULD prevent ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION and DRUG SMUGGLING. If we had a functioning Congress and Senate - the safety of the American people would have forced Biden to close the border to illegals and drugs. For all of Biden’s apparent crimes, his MISCONDUCT ON REFUSAL TO ENFORCE IMMIGRATION AND CONTROL OUR BORDER is reason enough for him to be IMPEACHED. It is TREASONOUS!

THE 2020 ELECTION WAS STOLEN… PRESIDENT TRUMP WAS REMOVED FROM OFFICE BY FRAUD AND MANIPULATION…. But this was actually a crime against the AMERICAN PEOPLE! Trump has been PERSECUTED and PROSECUTED by prosecutors, judges and Deep State operatives and all of this goes on to this day - even as Trump is the strongest candidate running for POTUS in 2024! (Think about THAT and then tell me that our government isn’t TOTALLY CORRUPTED!). And yet our Congress and our Courts allow this to go on because IF they did their duty - it would reveal the extent of the TREASON that has taken place but none of our so-called “leaders” have the stomach to HANG THE TRAITORS involved.

So… We live in a bitterly divided country - and yet we go about our daily business believing that “all is well”…. ALL IN NOT WELL! The “divisions” are not only ideological - but they are also defined by “the informed and aware” vs. “the uninformed and unconcerned”. The “illusions of normalcy” around us keep our people from seeking the truth about the full extent of the treachery that is really going on. For those of us who DO WANT TO AWAKEN OUR PEERS - it is frustrating to try to get them to FOCUS because the AMERICAN MEDIA conspires to keep them UNINFORMED. “FREE AND FAIR ELECTIONS” are a MYTH. Many of us believe that we cannot recover our government through elections alone.

Meanwhile, the world teeters and the GLOBALISTS pull the strings…. They drain the hard-earned resources of the middle class to support the growing population of poverty stricken minorities…. But the super-rich just get richer…

CONCLUSIONS: We are in a serious “BAD SMELL SITUATION” and we (as “Average Americans”) cannot trust our MEDIA or the BIDEN ADMINISTRATION to suddenly reverse course and start to “DO THE RIGHT THING” on behalf of our own American people… We’ve seen “Biden et al” for the gangsters that they really are. They “DON’T WORK FOR YOU”! They serve EVIL MASTERS… 

And it breaks my heart to have to question our government’s motives and capabilities… AFTER ALL, THE UNITED STATES USED TO STAND UP FOR WHAT IS “RIGHT” AND “JUST” IN OUR WORLD…


AND… Please Pray For Our Country and Our World….