Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Marxist socialism and fascism-nationalist socialism are incompatible with military service

 Marxist socialism and fascism-nationalist socialism are incompatible with military service


Marxist socialism and fascism-nationalist socialism are evil incarnate.
The 20th-century adherents of Marxist socialism and fascism-nationalist socialism killed more innocents than all previous wars of humanity combined. 

When the rest of the civilized world had abolished enslavement, 20th-century adherents of Marxist socialism and fascist-nationalist socialism revived it on an unprecedented scale.

20th-century Marxist socialism and fascist-nationalist socialism without a doubt have visited upon this planet more suffering and murdering and threw more people into abject poverty than any other religion or ideology in all recorded history.

To support or even tolerate Marxist socialist or fascist-nationalist socialist beliefs is to tacitly if not overtly support the holocaust, genocide, and organized war crimes carried out on a vast scale.

For those in a position of leadership, not to speak out against Marxist socialism and fascist-nationalist socialism is a dereliction of duty and dishonors hundreds of thousands of Americans in uniform who gave their lives defeating these oppressive, sadistic, and cruel belief systems. 

For anyone wearing the uniform, to not stand against Marxist and fascist-nationalist socialism is not just morally and ethically bankrupt, it is a violation of their oath of office.

They are a disgrace, unfit, and should be dismissed from the service.

Michael M. Walker
Col. USMC (Ret.)