Friday, April 12, 2019


Joseph Sullivan

After almost 3 years of continuous vitriol from Democrats and the “mainstream media” about Donald Trump and “Russian Collusion”, I’m experiencing a renewed  “spring” in my step over the past several weeks.

After watching Delusion and Mania playing-out right before our eyes, William Barr’s short, concise comments earlier this week speak volumes.  The chalk-lines around the real “body of evidence” are about to be drawn, and William Barr’s investigation is likely to find the skeletons heretofore hidden in the inter-connected closets of the Obama administration.

What’s becoming apparent is that the highest officials of the FBI, CIA, NSA, and Obama’s DOJ all conspired to keep Donald Trump from being elected President – and by extension – to ensure that Hillary Clinton would become be.  Had this plot succeeded,  all of these henchmen would most likely have remained at the top levels in the ill-fated Hillary Clinton Administration and the American people would simply have been none-the-wiser.
The FISA Court judges - all of whom operate in anonymity - received false and tainted reports from the FBI.  Yet they duplicitously went along with the “schemes” enabling the FBI to spy on and twist Trump’s allies into being witnesses for the PERsecution…  Only one of them (Cohen) ever did (and then to a very limited degree which did not implicate Trump in either “collusion” or “obstruction of justice”).  General Flynn and others were subjected to intense investigative pressure which obligated them to defend themselves at great personal expense.  A few of these finally buckled under the financial strain and pleaded guilty to process crimes totally unrelated to their connections to Mr. Trump.  This was a clear case of “prosecution by persecution”.  All along the way, those shadowy characters serving anonymously on the FISA Court provided the warrants and authorities necessary for American citizens to be spied-upon by the highest levels of the American Security Services.

Let’s keep in mind that this whole sack of fertilizer was completely contrived based on a false “dossier” from a former British spy and was bought and paid-for by the Hillary Clinton Campaign.  All of the conspirators knew it - even as they pressed-on with a modern-day coup d’état – played out in plain view.
These crimes were not only committed against President Trump - they were pursued against the expressed will of the American people - demonstrated by the results of the 2016 Presidential election…

 … yet none of that stopped any of them, and any single one of them could have brought an end to this conspiracy.  Obviously, they were “all in” for a Clinton presidency.

As for me, it’s never been just a simple matter of my support for President Trump or my general satisfaction with his administration of the Executive Branch.   It’s so much more than that!  Because had the allegations against him been proven to be true – I would be bound by my core-beliefs as a constitutional-conservative to support Trump’s impeachment and removal from office.

Ironically, we’re now able to paraphrase Hillary Clinton herself - because this was indeed a ‘vast deep state conspiracy’ of entrenched government officials to defeat candidate Trump or (subsequently) remove him from office as the duly-elected President of the United States.  But now, the “conspiracy” directly implicates Hillary Clinton and (potentially) President Obama himself!

What I find simple beyond credibility is how Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi can express “disappointment” that Attorney General Barr might begin to look into the Who, How and Why of this treason and treachery ever happened in the first place.  On the other hand, what else should we expect from Democrats – given their open hostility to Donald Trump and his supporters who now expect and demand that the “Department of Justice” turn its focus upon those who so richly deserve to have the full investigative power of the Department of Justice turned upon them.   The fact that they fell just short of achieving their coup might “disappoint” many Democrat-Socialists in their on-going efforts to permanently relegate our country to third-world status…

Instead, it’s time for “The Reckoning” – and not just because we’re vindictive, but because we owe it to our children and grandchildren to remove this disgusting cancer upon the American body politic.  We are obliged to punish the guilty harshly as an example to all about what real justice brings to traitors, conspirators and swamp rats who are so clearly driven by their hate for those who politically oppose them.  To do anything less brings shame upon our system of justice and gives satisfaction to our adversaries all around the world who wish us no good.  Worse yet, it tells those in struggling democracies that they should not follow our lead anymore.

We are about to find out if we have the courage to prove to the world that we can apply blind justice “due process”, while holding the guilty accountable regardless of their perceived “prestige” associated with being high-profile public figures.  We must re-assert the principle that “equal justice under law” still rules in the greatest democratic republic in the world.
Every crisis and challenge presents us with opportunities to make this great country even greater…