Tuesday, March 26, 2019


Thanks, Mark...

Joseph Sullivan 

Not so long ago, I received a text from someone I know who can fairly be called a “a rabid Anti-Trumper”.  He is also a lifelong liberal Democrat.  We know one another very well so he clearly knows that I am a Conservative Trump supporter...

And yet - in spite of all that - his text wanted to give me a “heads-up” that some huge decisions were about to be revealed about the “Trump Collusion” case and that some of the Trump team were in very serious legal jeopardy...

I remember thinking how the text conveyed a gleeful expectation that something BIG was coming down within a very short time...

I waited and watched and I’m still waiting...  The text turned out to be a big juicy “nothing burger”...

Now, I’m watching and waiting for another text from him acknowledging his gullibility in buying-into the whole “Russia Collusion” myth...

It isn’t going to happen...  I know it and I know that he does too...

But - like I said - he’s a Liberal Democrat and therefore lacks the ability to face his own shortcomings which he buries beneath his hate for President Trump and - by extension - all of Trump’s supporters as well...

Well... I will gladly serve him up a feast of crow anytime he decides to bring up the subject again...  I can even find him some left-over Koolaid to wash it all down...

Funny how all of the Democrats have turned on Robert Mueller - the guy who was their expected objective “champion” until he published his findings...  Now they want him called before Nadler's committee of political hacks to answer questions about how he must have swept Trump’s “crimes” under the rug...

These people are very sick puppies...  In real time, they are showing us that Liberalism is truly a mental disease.

But we’ve known that all along, haven’t we?...  Stay tuned and stay informed!