Sunday, December 04, 2016


OBAMA’S BLAME GAME SHIFTS, Patriot Headquarters

Following more than six years of failed domestic policies and embarrassing foreign relations maneuvers, President Obama has found a new target for blame. Even he realizes that he can’t keep blaming former President George W. Bush for all the problems the nation is now facing and so his new target is…drum roll, please…Fox News.

That’s right. The media is to blame. Or, more specifically, Fox News. Failing to take into consideration that approximately 85 percent of mainstream media are liberal – by their own admission – he picks on one of the few news outlets that refuses to toe the line when it comes to sucking up to him and reporting whatever he wants reported in whatever way he wants it presented.

Obama said that if he’s going to be able to change the way people like Representative John Boehner and Senator Mitch McConnell think (good luck with that, by the way), then he’s going to have to change how the media reports on things. Then he singled out Fox News for its biased coverage.

I guess when you have a vast majority of the news media in your back pocket, it must be infuriating to have one popular news outlet willing to tell the truth about you and your failures.

Currently, it’s just talk. Right now he’s only “saying” that Fox News should change the way it reports. But if he decides to start following in the footsteps of other dictators, don’t be surprised to see his people try to enact laws that control how and what the media reports. And if it’s not Obama, it will be the next president from the Democratic Party.

Laura Ingraham writes...
Obama Infantile... Foxnews

Fox News contributor and LifeZette Editor-in-Chief Laura Ingraham blasted President Obama Wednesday night for refusing to take any responsibility for Democrats losses in the November elections.

"Almost seven in 10 people routinely say the country's going in the wrong direction, wages have basically been flat since 1999, and yet this president comes out and in a very infantile manner blames cable news without any sense of personal responsibility," Ingraham said during a panel discussion on Fox News' "Special Report."

In an interview with Rolling Stone magazine published on Tuesday, Obama did indeed have plenty of blame to lay at the feet of Fox News and the Clinton campaign's ground game for Trump's win, but apparently felt that his own record had absolutely nothing to do with Trump's stunning election victory and the Republicans' success in maintaining control of Congress.

"In this election, [voters] turned out in huge numbers for Trump. And I think that part of it has to do with our inability, our failure, to reach those voters effectively. Part of it is Fox News in every bar and restaurant in big chunks of the country, but part of it is also Democrats not working at a grassroots level, being in there, showing up, making arguments," Obama said.

"They say Trump can be immature at times, [but] what was that?" Ingraham asked. "And he goes over to Europe and he goes, "well you know I'm actually very popular, look at the polls, my policies are actually very popular," [but he] just got shellacked, [his] party just got shellacked," she said. "At least do what Bill Clinton did and say you know, that was a drubbing, we really took it."

Of course, Obama has spent his entire time in office blaming other people -- President Bush, closet racists, Fox News, conservative talk radio -- for his own failures and unpopularity, so it's hardly surprising that with less than two months left in office his blame-everyone-but-himself game is still going strong.

Laura Ingraham joined FOX News Channel in 2007 and currently serves as a contributor, providing political analysis and commentary to FNC's daytime and primetime programming. She is the Editor-in-Chief of  In addition to her role as a contributor, Ingraham is a frequent substitute host on FNC's "The O'Reilly Factor." As the host of the radio program "The Laura Ingraham Show," she is also the most listened-to woman in political talk radio in the United States, heard by hundreds of radio stations nationwide. Ingraham previously served as a litigator and Supreme Court law clerk.