Saturday, July 02, 2016

Cotton Hits Clinton

Cotton Hits Clinton
John Hinderaker, Powerline

Tom Cotton is rapidly earning a reputation as the hardest-hitting spokesman for the conservative cause. Earlier today he spoke at the Western Conservative Summit. Breitbart has a report on his speech:

The Arkansas senator…told activists Saturday at the Western Conservative Summit that Hillary Clinton’s reckless and criminal behavior disqualifies her to become America’s commander-in-chief.

He also delivered that message forcefully at this year’s Lincoln-Reagan dinner in Minnesota.

A combat veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan, Sen. Thomas Cotton (R.-Ark.) said he was glad [to] make it on time for his speech after a series of travel delays.
“We were on the tarmac, I thought Bill Clinton might be boarding my plane to talk to me,” said the former Army Airborne Ranger officer.


Clinton’s decision to conduct all her official business on her own private email account on her own private server and the way she has handled official and media inquires about it was just teaser of how her administration will approach transparency and national security, Cotton said.

That’s true. Barack Obama has run the least transparent administration in modern history, but the paranoid Mrs. Clinton would undoubtedly be more secretive still.

The FBI still does not have 30,000 emails the expected Democratic nominee for president claimed to have deleted. 
“It has gotten so bad, the FBI is on the verge of asking Vladimir Putin for his copies of Hillary’s emails,” Cotton said.

Ouch again. Humor is a powerful weapon.

In addition to the criminal nature of the former first lady’s scheme, he said, conducting official and classified business on an unsecured server exposed American national security to our enemies. 
Americans should not be surprised that the former secretary of state would put America at risk, he said. Working with President Barack Obama, Clinton oversaw a foreign policy that treated allies as troublemakers and our enemies as victims with legitimate complaints about the United States. Chief among the enemies is the Islamic Republic of Iran, which Obama-Clinton empowered by lifting sanctions, thawing frozen assets, and ignoring Iran’s support of violent terrorism.

Some have speculated that Tom Cotton is on Donald Trump’s list of potential vice-presidential candidates. I have no idea whether that is true, nor do I know whether Cotton would accept the post if it were offered. (I believe he has downplayed that speculation.) But I do know that we need someone on the ticket who will hit Hillary hard and effectively, with the sort of credibility and stature that Tom’s history and abilities bring.