Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Part II: Islam or Islamic Extremists?

Part II: Islam or Islamic Extremists?
Col Mike Walker


The struggle against radical Islam is first and foremost a war of ideas and ideologies.

In this war, staking out absolute positions is a formula for failure and it is just as foolish to claim we are “at war with Islam” as it is to refuse to accept that fighting brilliantly evil interpretations of Islam lies at the core of this conflict.

To drive the “centrality of Islam” point home, here is how al Qaeda describes themselves, in their own words: 

“…an organized Islamic faction, our goal is to live the word of God, to make His religion victorious.”

There is no mention of terrorism; that is merely a tactic. There is no mention of violence as the word by itself is meaningless.

These people are not Marxist-radical socialists who see the world through an economic lens. The primary motivation is spiritual fulfillment and salvation.

Faith trumps economic considerations every time. For that matter, faith trumps every other consideration -- every time.

We must engage in the battle of ideas and to win we must offer better ideas. That is how we deter new recruits and turn the ranks against the radical leaders.

We have to fight the idea that they "live the word of God" and the idea that they can "make His religion victorious." Those are incredibly powerful and motivating messages.

Declaring them too beneath us to be engaged is to quit the crucial arena without resistance -- to cede a key battlefield to our enemies without a fight. 

If we cannot publicly lead the war of ideas against radical Islam then at least let us echo loudly and often the language of Islamic leaders like President Sisi of Egypt and the King of Jordan.

Failure to come clean on this issue may lead to certain defeat for if you lose your credibility, you lose you ability to lead and eventually, your voice becomes irrelevant.
