Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A Denver Doofus Political Dance

A reasonable kind of guy... education, a whole industry based on hate...

Col. Mike Walker, USMC (retired)

Professor Charles Angeletti of Denver’s Metropolitan State University forced his class to take a “satirical” pledge demeaning the United States.

“Satirical” implies a sense of tolerant humor. Yeah Right. OK, Charlie, here’s a similar little chuckle:

I refuse to pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America but only to the left-wing “Hate America First” ideology for which it really stands and what needs to be one statist authoritarian Nation under anti-religious know-it-all elites, endlessly divisible, with politically correct group-think and tolerance for all. *
*Except white males or individuals who believe that America has done right by them or anyone else – ever – and (in the immortal words of Professor Gruber), especially ignorant and too stupid to understand YOU!”
Can anyone imagine the Good Professor using that “satirical” version of the Pledge? 

Of course not! 

His "pledge" is not intended to be funny and thought provoking; it was done to shock and insult with the goal of proselyting his students.

White Male Mike