Friday, October 31, 2014

The Irony of the Obama Economy

The Irony of the Obama Economy
Mike Walker, Col USMC (retired)


While the recovery from the Great Recession brought to fore any number of economic issues, two regarding the Obama economic vision for America are particularly fascinating.

(1) Obama directed Big Government to transform the energy sector away from one dominated by fossil fuels and towards one focused on renewables.

(2) The recovery was to stem from those types of Big Government Washington-centric interventions. 

How did that work out?

First of all, Big Government failed. The Obama foray into renewable energy resulted in business failure after business failure and the loss of hundreds of the millions of taxpayer’s dollars. To date, the economy got no meaningful boost from the “renewable” fiasco.

More amazingly, the recovery, such as it is, is being driven by the biggest boom in fossil fuel exploration, extraction, refinement and marketing since the 1950s.

How frustrating it must be for Obama visionaries to realize that the driving factor in the economic recovery of the United States is being carried out by the Private Sector and IN THE FACE OF Obama’s Big Government economic policies!

That truth can only make one think about how strong the US economy would be today and how many millions of Americans would have middle jobs now if we had a pro-Private Sector President sitting in the White House.
