Thoughts on Health Care Reform from Mike Walker
It is sad that some politicians are cutting special deals and some rich lobbying groups are drooling at the prospect of how much money they are going to make out of health care reform, but I have never lived in a perfect world and never expect perfection out of Washington D.C.
Just don't tell me that the politicians and lobbyists for the health insurance companies or the trial lawyers are putting our Country ahead of their own selfish interests. Be assured, probably sooner rather than later, the rest of are going to be taking money out of wallets and handing it to the lobbyist's minions with the blessing of our elected officials.
But I also refuse to make a demand for perfection the enemy of doing a good. And we are on the verge of doing a wonderful good.
It is such a fine thing to know that in the very near future, millions of American who need but cannot afford health care will be protected. It also renews my faith in our great Country that good and decent people will no longer be denied health care coverage because of a pre-existing condition.
The comfort in that outweighs my anger over the fat cats getting richer and there is always the chance that they may someday get their just deserts.
After that, I lose my enthusiasm for the political nabob’s agendas. This is especially true in the case of a proposed government-run health insurance company, some "Halloween-esque" morph of Fannie Med or Freddie Doc. It will be a disaster.
From a fiscal perspective, a government-run health care company will behave like the old schoolyard bully who is hungry and wants the other kid’s lunch money.
He will come up on the unsuspecting and defenseless kids at the playground and offer two options: Give me your lunch money now or I will beat it out of you (through punitive legislation) and then take your lunch money anyway. Fork it over, kid.
The bully cares not if it is a boy or girl, happy or sad, good or bad, because when he is hungry it is all a matter of “mind over matter.” The bully does not mind stealing the lunch money and the poor kid does not matter.
So at the end of day, the government bully will be getting fatter and fatter and the other kids will be going home hungry.
A government-run health care business is not good for Americans. It is not good for America.
We can and must do better
Warm regards,