Friday, August 30, 2024

This is the way

This is the way

The Mandalorian Creed
Don Jaffa

In July of 1964, at the Cow Palace, Senator Barry Goldwater said the words, that were written by Harry V Jaffa, in his acceptance speech: “Extremism in Defense of Liberty is not a vice, and, Moderation in Pursuit of Justice is no virtue.” No less than Bill Rehnquist assisted the Senator in the rest of the acceptance speech.

“Duty, Honor, Country,” became creed of West Point in 1898, and was repeated by Douglas McArthur in his farewell address at West Point in 1962. Behind these modest calls to the American founding, it was Abraham Lincoln who prophesized that only we can destroy the founding and ourselves.  This is the precipice on which we tremble at the edge. We are facing a hydra of communist Marxist socialist tentacles that have been growing for a century or more, and are now risen to destroy us.

One of the lessons of the Mandalorian Creed is the phrase "one does not speak unless one knows.” One of the subliminal auras of the science fiction genre, at least the successful ones, is the message of good versus evil and the triumph of the good. Of the original Star Trek episodes, each episode was a lesson in moral clarity. The episode on racial hate was evident to the most oblivious, as each race was colored black and white, but on opposite sides of the body, where the face made it most obvious. A subtle play on Swift’s Big Endian/Little Endian controversy, which was a satire of the heresy between the protestant and catholic faiths.

The motto of the USMC, ‘Semper Fideles,’ which remains, ‘ever Faithful,’ also encompasses never leaving a fallen comrade on the field of battle.

With clarity, the euphonious platitudes of the politics of ‘hope and joy,’ resound with the founding philosophy of Democrat John C Calhoun: “What is a positive good for the Master, is a positive good for the slave.’ The ‘Woke’ Progressive Liberal democrats have reverted to a sub rosa execution of the Calhounian principle that each state is sovereign, and that the exemplar is in the self destruction by the Democrat leadership in California, Illinois, New York and Maryland. These are the ‘bobble-head’ useful idiots of the far gone left.

The ‘underground railroad’ is now leading to Texas and Florida, and the massive migration will lead to the transfer in the House of Representatives to these states after the Enumeration of 2030 and the subsequent redistricting. There is no three fifths enumeration of illegal immigrants. And ‘Hope and Joy’ will not pass legislation to grant them a path to citizenship.

Between today and November 5th President Trump should have 4-6 campaign events in NFL football stadiums, with a debate lectern in the middle of the 50 Yard Line. And every element of what has gone wrong not just in the Biden presidency, but in every Democratic city in the past 50 or more years. An economic policy of economic opportunity (the Hope and Joy Policy} has been the reality of the past 250 years of the United States. The Harris-Walz response can be played in this gladiatorial location to a live crowd.

On their first day in office the Biden-Harris administration shut down the American economy and ended millions of jobs, and started the process to bankrupt the American economy as well. On the first day in office the Trump-Vance team can start the process to reverse this Titanic course. Federalize the national guard and declare a 3 kilometer military zone along our southern border. Declare that any city, or any state, that has declared ‘Safe Haven’ for illegal immigrants, subject to the suspension of all federal spending until those declarations and privileges (including allowing illegal immigrants to vote in non federal elections) are reversed.  Compliance to release federal funding will require civil authorities in those states to supply at least 10,000 illegal immigrant to either US Marshals or ICE for repatriation to their home countries.

Here in the United States we have over a century of crude oil production, and during that time we have depended on the pressure in the oil fields to pump the crude. Those oil fields have gone ‘dry’ when the pressure in the field drops to zero. Using repressurization technology to bring these oil fields back on line represents 80-100 trillion dollars. This represents both a tool and a weapon, to reduce our national debt, and to bankrupt our enemies. A recent discovery also represents an additional 80 trillion in natural resources as well.

The vulnerable and abandoned resource which the Democratic political machine has abandoned, and mostly forgotten, is the youth in the major democratic strongholds. Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, and NYC, have an unblemished record of non-performance in their school systems. They graduate mostly illiterate black and Latino teenagers who cannot perform or compete in the job market. This is the record of fifty years of Democratic political leadership. The academic left control of the NEA and other teacher unions have a history of ‘dumbing’ down teaching to ‘dumb’ down the graduates of these mostly African American communities.  We need to invest in our youth, not abandon them to mediocrity and being second class citizens. That investment needs to be in the on going creation of Lincoln Academies.