Saturday, December 16, 2023




Joseph Sullivan, Harbinger Sentinel

Think about it.... "Artificial Intelligence".... We're not talking about human intelligence in a non-oxymoronic way.... "Human Intelligence" can be defined as the end-product of all human life-experience - running the gamut from the pursuit of basic-survival to the conquest of space itself. Human Intelligence can come from the basic instincts we possess and beyond to observation, analysis and acceptance of what we perceive to be "REAL". Ultimately, our "perceptions" may be faulty at times, but our application of "logic" brings us to a "reasonable conclusion" about those observations, analyses and our acceptance of them - right or wrong...

Human evolution has essentially followed this process of "Human Intelligence" which allows us (among MANY other things) to differentiate between "apples and oranges"...


Humanity is now poised to cede the processes that manage "data" (information) and reach conclusions about it through filters that vary with each application. The human "data processor" can tip-the-scale to produce the result they want-like-prefer... simply by adjusting the parameters...

We now have cameras that can use "artificial intelligence" to add or remove images from a photograph.... If you want to make yourself look better (or make someone look worse) you can do that with a couple of clicks...


We are now about to start living in a world where photographs will show us things that simply did not take place.... We will soon be presented with "studies" and "reports" that tell us things that are simply not true...

The "Information Age" in which none of us can gather and absorb enough "truthful information" to form solid, reliable conclusions will soon be overtaken by "new realities" of "altered states of information"...

"ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE" is MADNESS! It is the GENIE that should NEVER be released.... It cannot be CONTAINED.... It WILL NOT be "governable" through legislation. It will be like the worst of the "internet" on steroids!

If you believe that concepts like "fake news"; "stolen elections"; "lying governments"; "lying politicians"; "currency collapses"; "star-wars from space", etc., are fundamentally "BAD" for humanity - then imagine ANY or ALL of these managed by "ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE".

PS.... If I sound like a "cranky old bastard" who rejects what he cannot control - that's because I am one...