Saturday, October 21, 2023

None would call it 'controversial'

None would call it 'controversial'

Joe Sullivan, GAB,  Harbinger Sentinel 

MOST AMERICANS live their lives with general indifference about the “burning world” out beyond our shores…. They have been conditioned to believe that “all of that” is “so far away” and that it will never come here… Our current government and our “mainstream media” conduct their communications dependent upon the general “cluelessness” of most of the American people. The “open border policies” of the United States government under “Slow Joe” Biden are nothing less than a TREASONOUS omission of his sworn duty as President of the United States to protect the American people from potential enemies “foreign and domestic”. And yet, Congress and the Senate FAIL MISERABLY to hold Biden accountable for his OVERT REFUSAL to ENFORCE IMMIGRATION LAW and BORDER SECURITY. Meanwhile, MILLIONS of INVADERS infiltrate our borders and effectively disappear into the country. They are actually transported all over the country by the federal government at taxpayer expense…

AND STILL, CONGRESS FAILS TO ACT…. Instead, they have proven to be officially INDIFFERENT to the BIDEN CRIME FAMILY beyond their endless inconsequential hearings, individual public pronouncements, and TV appearances. They apparently believe that showing up on TV and making allegations will placate the American voters… Months and years are slipping by until now we all find ourselves in another national election cycle.

IN TOO MANY WAYS, American politics has devolved into the equivalent of a modern soap opera - where chatter and drama keep the viewer's interest while nothing ever really changes.

SO EFFECTIVELY (AND IN FACT) our entire federal government is a DYSFUNCTIONAL EXERCISE where the PRESIDENT is a TRAITOR to our people for CRIMES that he will never be held accountable for because our LEGISLATIVE BRANCH (House and Senate) is itself populated by elected officials who themselves FAIL to honor their own Oath of Office to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” by providing effective “oversight” of the Executive Branch (POTUS and “Administration”)…

PRESIDENT TRUMP has exposed this GROTESQUE FRAUD of a government for what it is which has made him a pariah within the halls of the “ESTABLISHMENT”. Democrats and Republicans in Congress and the Senate FAILED BY OMISSION to investigate the 2020 STOLEN ELECTION because it removed Trump from power and ended his pressure upon them to actually do their sworn duty on behalf of the American people.

CONGRESS continues to spend irresponsibly and the current battle for the Speakership demonstrates the “civil war” within the Republican Party between the Trump allies (MAGA Insurgents) vs the Establishment (RINO “Deep State”). What we’re seeing play out is the struggle to take back the control of the United States government and secure ACCOUNTABILITY from those elected to the LEGISLATIVE BRANCH. If the “MAGA Insurgents” succeed - or if their influence grows - then this will reflect Trump’s own growing influence. If Trump wins in 2024 - and if the Legislative Branch is made to become RESPONSIVE and ACCOUNTABLE to the American people’s interests once again, then we might be able to SAVE OUR COUNTRY…

And if the DYSFUNCTIONAL STATUS QUO prevails, then the United States is doomed…

AND SO - I remind everyone that while the world beyond our borders burns - our own country is crumbling beneath our feet - and there is a clandestine “civil war” already underway to take back our government and return it to being a CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC. If this process fails between NOW and Election Day in 2024, then the prospect of much more serious conflicts could result.