Thursday, March 07, 2019

Free Speech Rights

Free Speech Rights
Joe Sullivan

The Socialist Democrats in the freshman class of Congress are stirring the cauldron of Democrat party politics...

Nancy Pelosi and Charles Schumer are essentially herding cats and they seem to have adopted a posture of “I have to follow them - I’m their leader!”

Typical of Democrats - they are reticent to criticize one of their own - even when “their own” consists of growing numbers and radicals and avowed Socialists.  Omar’s blunt criticism of the long (and strong) ties between the US and Israel is simply “one woman’s opinion”!

Pelosi is conflicted in wanting to support a resolution criticizing a “bigot” in the ranks.  She’s now having to “pay the piper” because she is beholden to the freshman mob whose votes pushed over the line into the job as Speaker.  

So, she is alienating the long-time Congressional Democrats who had to pinch their noses and allow her to be reelected yet again.  Obviously, there are other Dems who could do the job...

But Omar has the right to disapprove of US policy re: Israel.  Her background and personal beliefs would hardly suggest otherwise...  She is certainly not the first member of Congress to “criticize US foreign policy”... hardly!

So, Conservatives should reflect on the First Amendment guarantees of free speech and association.  Omar was elected from her largely Muslim district.

Her remarks are therefore reflective of her ideology...  So What?

Strong disagreement with her statements is obviously in-bounds.  But any effort to stifle her free speech rights and/or remove her from the Foreign Relations Committee is simply “un-American”.

The media is turning a spotlight on the Democrat freshmen radicals and reasonable Americans can form their own conclusions...

Because either we have a Bill of Rights or we don’t.

I say - Let ‘em talk!  Put them in the media spotlight!  

That’s how I see it...