Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Washington DC congressional representation

Washington DC congressional representation
Col Mike Walker, USMC (ret)

So there is another round of silly and inane baloney about poor Washington DC residents not getting full representation in Congress.

The solution already exists.

Washington DC began as a square (10 miles by 10 miles) that was turned into the federal District of Columbia by nature of being the capital of the United States.

If was formed from little pieces of Virginia and Maryland.

As a federal district representing the entire nation, anyone who chose to live there would not be part of a state and therefore gave up the right reserved for state residents to be represented in Congress.

After the Civil War, Virginia took back its piece and all the former resident of the district were again citizens of Virginia and regained their right to vote for representation in the House and Senate.

So now the Maryland section of the district apparently wants representation in Congress.

Fine! wonderful!

Follow the precedent. Follow the procedure the Virginia slice of the district adhered to.

What now exists as the rump of the federal District of Columbia was formed from minor pieces of Montgomery and Prince George's counties in Maryland.

If the people who live in the district want representation then do what the former district citizens from the Virginia section did:

Rejoin your home state!

Rejoin Maryland just like the other folks rejoined Virginia.

Let the two little pieces of land go back to Montgomery and Prince George's counties.

Incorporate Washington as the newest grand city of the state of Maryland.

Problem solved!