Sunday, October 11, 2015

Socialists Can’t Add.

Socialists Can’t Add
Col. Mike Walker, USMC (retired)


People send me these beautiful presentations about wealth inequality (pie charts, tables, bar graphs, broken-line graphs and all in vivid colors) and almost all of it is nonsense. 

Outside of the obvious fact that rich people are much richer than I am (about which I really do not care), the rest is all smoke and mirrors.

Here is reality in three numbers:

The combined wealth of all U.S. billionaires: $2.2 trillion (that is a “T”).
Projected Federal expenditures for 2015: $3.8 trillion
Total value of U.S. wealth: $188 trillion

The richest of the rich don’t own everything – only a small fraction of our national wealth (about 1.2%).

The billionaires’ total wealth would only run the U.S. Government for about seven (7) months. After that, we would be right back in the same mess of unsustainable government overspending.

So how does $2.2 trillion become infinitely huge while a debt of over $18 trillion (a number about eight times as large) become insignificant nothingness?

Because Far Left numbers are not about facts or reason or logic – they are about faith and socialist religious doctrine.

These people BELIEVE it so and nothing else matters.

Good grief.

Socialist math sucks!
