Friday, September 25, 2015

Whither Israel?

Whither Israel?
Col Mike walker, USMC (retired)
The concept that a vacuum will not be filled by bad actors, the overriding premise of this Administration's Middle East policy of American withdrawal, has ended in abject failure.
I am not speaking to the refugee crisis in Europe, although that is a tragedy of epic proportions.
I am not talking of the ethnic cleansing of Christians from the Middle East, even granting it is a crime against humanity if ever there was one.
I am not speaking to defeat snatched from the jaws of victory in Iraq; the greatest squandering of blood and treasure in the history of this nation since Vietnam.
I am not speaking to the Administration's claim of "success" in Yemen which has become a failed state overrun by terrorists.
Nor am I speaking to the nonexistent rise of Libya's "democratic impulses" once claimed by the President.
The Islamic Republic is my target.
Not only will the new accord with Iran end like the 1994 Agreed Framework with North Korea: An enemy with nuclear weapon, but we are now down the darkest road since 1939.
Unlike North Korea where a repugnant state emerged into mature nuclear theater where every other state was under a nuclear umbrella superior to that of North Korea, in the Middle East we are introducing an aggressive nuclear power into an immature free fire zone.
But it is far worse than that.
This administration has quit the Middle East for all intents and purposes and ceded control to the most warlike coalition to hold power there in over a millennium.
If things remain unchecked then the rise of the Putin-Assad-Khoemeni cabal can only end in one of two scenarios:
(1) A likely global thermonuclear conflict to prevent a second holocaust being visited upon the people of Israel.
(2) The passive acceptance of a second holocaust followed by a belated global war once it becomes clear that Jews were not the only people on the list.
May God have mercy on us all.