Friday, February 20, 2015

Islam or Islamic Extremists?

Islam or Islamic Extremists?
Col Mike Walker


Here is my response.

It is true that Islam has had a tradition of military conquest to expand its faith from the days Muhammad walked the earth.

But only a complete idiot would either believe in or want to go to war with a billion people.

Further, of the alleged 25,000 attacks since 9/11, the overwhelming majority have been carried out by Islamic extremists against other Muslims they find lacking.

To blame the millions of Muslim victims for the terrorist acts of thousands of extremist is an obvious contradiction.

However, the Islamic extremists wish and pray everyday that non-Mulsims DO blame all Muslims. Only by creating an "Us versus Them" mentality do they have any chance of winning.

Idiots believe we are at war with Islam and ISIL/al Qaeda loves those idiots with all their hearts.
