Thursday, May 23, 2013

London massacre: speak the truth

Mike Walker, Col USMC, retired


Yesterday, a young man – son, husband, father, and honorable soldier – was hacked to death by two pieces of filth wrapped in human flesh.

London Mayor Boris Johnson offered a dodgy platitude when describing the rationale of the murderers as "wholly and exclusively in the warped and deluded mindset of the people who did it."

The shamefully unanswered question was: who precisely are those people?

This was not an act of a madman or madmen. In fact, it was a deliberate act perpetrated by two calculating but intolerant hate-mongers fueled by a global “hate machine” known as radical Islam.

If leaders are incapable of accurately describing the danger faced then they will never be able to effectively protect the people to whose care they are entrusted.

The Islamic world is being torn apart in what is best described as the third fitnah, or religious civil war. This fitnahis unprecedented in two ways: first, in the extreme intolerance of the radicals and, second, in its immediate recourse to horrific violence against any man or women or child it opts to hate.

The large share of the casualties remains in the ranks of the hundreds of millions of Muslims who fail to “measure up” to the vision of these radical Islamists. The rest are the “collateral damage” of these haters as they fight their war against all others who dare to be “different."

What we are witnessing is a violently extreme movement that, for the first time in the history of Islam, has been allowed to creep into the mainstream of Islamic thought and tradition.

If we refuse to fight them and, perhaps just as importantly, publically shame them for what they are – Muslims who are radically intolerant haters – then the casualty lists will only grow in the future.

The only madness, to follow the Mayor’s line of argument, is to fail to point out this truth.

Semper Fi,