Thursday, January 26, 2012

Important read....
Mike Walker, Col. USMC (retired)


There is an old debating adage that the one who asks the questions controls the debate. When we are asked if the highest earners are paying their fair share of taxes, we become trapped in the wrong debate.

The problem we are facing is how to create jobs and promote economic growth. The only solution lies in the private sector economy and focusing on how much high earners send in taxes to Washington D.C. is a sure path to failure.

We need to ask the right question: Are the highest earners doing their fair share to create jobs and grow our economy? The answer to this question gets to the heart of the problem.

If high earners buy tax-free municipal bonds for public works and infrastructure then they are doing the right thing.

If high earners invest their monies in new businesses that create jobs then they are doing the right thing.

If the owners of businesses purchases new equipment and are able to deduct that as a business expense then they are doing the right thing.

The entire premise that what determines whether or not high earners are “good people and decent Americans” is the amount of tax dollars they send to politicians in Washington D.C. is plain wrong. 

More often then not, high earners are doing the best thing for America when they seek to invest in the private sector and NOT send those dollars to Washington D.C.

If we are going to put American back on top then we first need to ask the right questions.
