Monday, December 26, 2005

NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory/CALTech
The planned trip to Mars of the Colombus Rover and its handpicked crew was delayed yesterday by what some are saying is the biggest scandal that has hit NASA since the blueberry jam hit the windshield. Dan Rather (and you know how concerned and unbiased he is) was first to report that insensitive acts were overtly played out on a daily basis. The target of much of this abuse was directed toward the smallest (isn't it always so) member of the crew, the usually resilient Bob. It seems that among other episodes his year supply of "squishies" were jettisoned from the main vehicle. Contrary to current testimony this was no accident. Rumors have been spread by usually reliable sources that some crew members were not as tolerant of Bob's intense occupation with his beloved toys. Conversations were overheard like, "If that fur-ball floats past me again snapping at that chunk of rubber I'm going to scream!" and " Why should I have to throw that thing?"

The NASA interim Director, Ralph W. Emerson was quick to say that an ongoing investigation was in place and that responsible parties would be dealt with severely. He went on to say that the timing was unfortunate and was quite possibly politically motivated.

Above is a picture taken of Bob retrieving his hoard.